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Ruby Hue Hot Chocolate: A Gourmet Experience

In a world where hot chocolate is often relegated to the realm of instant powders and quick fixes, Ruby Hue hot chocolate emerges as a beacon of quality and craftsmanship, offering a cup that’s not just a drink, but a journey through flavour and tradition.

Nestled in the heart of Bristol, Ruby Hue stands as a testament to the art of chocolate making, transforming the humble cocoa bean into a hot chocolate experience that tantalises the senses.

As the popularity of gourmet hot chocolate burgeons, connoisseurs and casual enthusiasts alike are on a quest for that perfect sip – a blend that balances richness with subtlety, indulgence with authenticity.

In this article, we delve into the heart of Ruby Hue hot chocolate, it’s a story of passion, quality, and a deep respect for the chocolate-making craft.

The Artisanal Journey of Ruby Hue

The journey of Ruby Hue is not just about crafting exquisite hot chocolate; it’s a story steeped in passion, dedication, and a deep-rooted love for the art of chocolate making.

My own journey with Ruby Hue began at their small chocolate factory and café in Bristol, a haven for chocolate enthusiasts, where the aroma of freshly crafted chocolate and the warm, inviting atmosphere promised a great deal.

You can witness the chocolate makers bean-to-bar process firsthand, adding a layer of appreciation to the drinking chocolate experience.

Ruby Hue hot chocolate

Bean-to-Bar: A Commitment to Quality and Ethical Sourcing

At the heart of Ruby Hue’s philosophy lies a commitment to the bean-to-bar process. This approach is not just about making chocolate from scratch; it’s about a deep respect for the entire process, from sourcing ethically grown beans to meticulously crafting the final product.

Ruby Hue selects only the best ethically and sustainably sourced fine cacao, ensuring that each cup of hot chocolate is not only delicious but also ethically responsible. This commitment extends to working closely with local farmers, ensuring fair trade practices and sustainable agriculture.

The Chocolate Making Process: An Artisanal Approach

The transformation of raw beans into Ruby Hue’s signature hot chocolate is an artisanal process.

Each step, from roasting the beans with bespoke profiles to the careful grinding and blending, is done with utmost precision. This meticulous approach ensures that the natural flavours and quality of the cocoa are preserved, resulting in a hot chocolate that is rich, flavourful, and deeply satisfying.

The process is a testament to Ruby Hue’s dedication to preserving the authenticity and integrity of traditional chocolate making.

From Bristol Café to Home: A Personal Chocolate Adventure

When visiting the café, I tried the Solomon Islands Makira Gold’ 70% dark hot chocolate and was instantly captivated by it. Unfortunately, it’s a two-hour drive or train journey to Bristol from where I live, so to enjoy more of their artisan, handcrafted hot chocolate, I bought some in their food-safe kraft tubes.

Having tried the Solomon Islands in the café, I opted for the Ugandan Rwenzori 70% dark hot chocolate to take home.

At £14.00 for 260g, it’s a little more expensive than Hotel Chocolat’s various dark chocolate flakes but even if it hadn’t been my birthday I was going to buy it anyway.

The Uganda variety, known for its unique flavour profile, promised another exciting venture into gourmet hot chocolate making at home.

Measuring for Perfection: Getting the Quantities Right

Ruby Hue hot chocolate

For ease of use and consistency, I generally use my Velvetiser for making hot chocolate at home. This isn’t always the case, and I’m more than willing to make exceptions, but daily for the last three years or more, it’s been my go-to method.

As such, I’ve got used to certain measurements.

The milk, whatever kind of milk that might be, goes up to the Velvetiser’s line: approximately 230ml.

If I’m using one of Hotel Chocolat’s sachets, then that comes in at 35g or chocolate flakes.

To fairly compare different brands, I try and use these standard measurements – at least for a few cups.

In Bristol, they clearly used a lot more than 35g of chocolate and the result was a thing of pure chocolatey beauty. Thick, luxurious, indulgent and completely delicious.

At home, with just 35g of chocolate, the results weren’t as captivating. After a few attempts at measuring out 35g, I just wasn’t capturing the same feeling as in Bristol.

With only 260g of the beautiful Ruby Hue hot chocolate to hand, I decided enough was enough and tried 40g and then 45g of chocolate.

For my personal taste, 45g was perfect. Maybe not quite as decadent as at the café but very, very good.

The instructions on the Ruby Hue hot chocolate tube do suggest using 180ml of milk to 35g of chocolate, which is a 19% chocolate-to-milk ratio and, pretty much exactly the same as 230ml to 45g. But who really reads instructions on a hot chocolate tube?

Does it Velvetise?

Yes and no – but mostly yes.

Ruby Hue hot chocolate is not flaked like those of Hotel Chocolat and the first time I used the chocolate in the Velvetiser, worrying noises of twirling whisks encountering lumps it didn’t like filled the kitchen.

On that occasion, I simply poured everything into a saucepan and completed the process the old-fashioned way. It’s not the first time I’ve had an issue with the Velvetiser not liking what I threw in it and I doubt it’ll be the last.

However, with a little experimentation (and perhaps with the slightly bigger lumps out of the way) I didn’t have any issues going forward.

The trick was to get the Velvetiser fully rotating first and then slowly pour in the chocolate. Not much of a trick, I grant you but it works.

Ruby Hue hot chocolate

Tasting Notes

If you’ve read any of the other reviews on this site, you’ll know that I’m not a grand sommelier of chocolate. I struggle to identify particular tasting notes and attribute them to berries, spices and other floral or nutty notes. I’m the same with wine.

However, I know when I enjoy something and really appreciated the uniqueness of this Ugandan cacao.

According to their website, this particular hot chocolate had notes of red berries and winter spices.

If I were a grand sommelier of chocolate, I’d probably say something like … as you take the first sip, the predominant chocolatey richness envelops your palate, embodying the depth and intensity of high-quality Ugandan cacao. This is seamlessly followed by a delightful burst of red berries, adding a subtle fruity sweetness that complements the chocolate’s robustness. As the drink lingers, it gently unfolds into a blend of winter spices, evoking a sense of warmth and comfort.

Concluding Thoughts: The Essence of Ruby Hue Hot Chocolate

Ruby Hue hot chocolate is not just a drink; it’s a journey into the heart of artisanal chocolate craftsmanship.

From the streets of Bristol to the comfort of your home, each cup offers a unique experience that speaks volumes of Ruby Hue’s dedication to quality and ethical sourcing.

The Rwenzori 70% dark hot chocolate stands as a testament to the brand’s commitment to delivering an exceptional gourmet experience.

More Than Just a Hot Chocolate

This journey with Ruby Hue’s hot chocolate offers so much more than the typical hot chocolate experience we’re so often subjected to.

It’s about appreciating the finer nuances of high-quality Ugandan cacao, understanding the importance of ethical practices in chocolate making, and most importantly, savouring each sip as a luxurious treat.

Whether it’s the thicker, more indulgent version at the café or the slightly lighter yet equally delightful version made at home, Ruby Hue hot chocolate is a celebration of the senses. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the best experiences come from taking the time to appreciate the craftsmanship and story behind what we consume.

Ruby Hue hot chocolate is indeed a ‘hug in a mug’, offering warmth, comfort, and a touch of luxury, one sip at a time.

Hot Chocolate World author
Andrew Lowry

Hi, I’m Andrew and I like hot chocolate. Given the nature of this blog, that’s probably not surprising though.

I don’t drink coffee or tea (except a bit of green tea occasionally) so my hot drink options are limited.

I’m a champion of good-quality hot chocolate and want to see and learn more about it, so join me and let’s learn together.

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